Department of Religion



Our vision is to train and equip young ministers who experientially know their absolute dependence upon God and who will, under the influence of the Holy Spirit, effectively motivate others to join them in effectively sharing the gospel around the world in this generation. As Matthew 24:14 says that "this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come."


The Religion Department at Ouachita Hills College exists to support the mission of OHC by providing a Christ-centered, character-oriented program that equips students to be *qualified Seventh-day Adventist missionaries, servant leaders, investigative thinkers, effective communicators, and biblical scholars.

* “It is not the capabilities you now possess, or ever will have, that will give you success. It is that which the Lord can do for you. We need to have far less confidence in what man can do and far more confidence in what God can do for every believing soul. He longs to have you reach after Him by faith. He longs to have you expect great things from Him. He longs to give you an understanding in temporal as well as in spiritual matters. He can sharpen the intellect. He can give tact and skill. Put your talents into the work, ask God for wisdom, and it will be given you.” Christ's Object Lessons, page 146 (1900)

Goals and Student Learning Outcomes:

In addition to the General Education outcomes, graduates from the Ouachita Hills College Religion Department who have participated in our entire program (on and off-campus) and completed the required courses will be able to serve God and man as:

Goal 1—Qualified Seventh-day Adventist Missionaries

By understanding and experientially embracing the fact that success does not come from present or future capabilities but only through the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, the students will become qualified Seventh-day Adventist Missionaries who relationally and relevantly lead people to follow Jesus.


  1. Relationally lead people to Christ.

    Students will be able to demonstrate the ability to relate to others regardless of faith, age, ethnicity, personality, ability, or gender and lead them to Christ in personal and public settings.

  2. Exhibit knowledge and skills of apologetics (Christian and Adventist).

    Exhibit knowledge and skills of apologetics to successfully defend Christian beliefs in general and more specifically of Seventh-Day Adventist and the writings of Ellen White.

  3. Functionally skilled Medical Missionary

    Employ the ministry of healing in their work, utilizing God’s natural remedies along with functional skills to understand and minister to the needs of others (emotional, physical, social, and spiritual).

Goal 2—Servant Leaders

Knowing Jesus as their supreme example of true servant leadership, students will become Christlike servant leaders who utilize key leadership and ministry skills and practice sound business management.


  1. Show use of key leadership skills.
    Employ well-organized leadership that involves visioning, strategic planning, team building, delegating, disciple-making, and mentoring.

  2. Exhibit familiarity and functionality in key ministry skills.
    Exhibit familiarity and functionality in key ministry skills essential to effective ministry, including nurture, counseling, incarnational compassion, and intercessory prayer.

  3. Practice biblically sound business management.
    Understand and employ biblically sound business management in an institutional context.

Goal 3—Thorough Biblical Scholars

Holding the Bible as the supreme source of truth students will become biblical scholars who grow in the knowledge of the Bible and how to accurately interpret it as it reveals Jesus Christ and His character as a foundation of belief, behavior, and values. They also will research with thoroughness and discretion and formulate their own biblically consistent views.


  1. Exhibit functional understanding of each book of the Bible.
    Exhibit a functional understanding of each book of the Bible by revealing Jesus and righteousness by faith from each one, especially the books of Daniel and Revelation.

  2. Investigates theological ideas with discriminating evaluation.

    Investigates theological ideas and conclusions of others discriminately evaluating presuppositions, biases, worldviews and sources.

  3. Researches Scripture and theological publications thoroughly and with discretion.
    Researches scripture and in theological publications with thoroughness and discretion and formulates their own biblically consistent views while challenging and discriminately incorporating the views of others.

  4. Demonstrates proper interpretation of Scripture.
    Demonstrates proper use of hermeneutical and exegetical principles necessary to correctly interpret Old and New Testament Scriptures.

Goal 4—Effective Gospel Communicators

Recognizing that effective communication is vital for professional and evangelistic success, students will become logically clear communicators who present Christ in sermons and lessons that effectively reach people for Him.


  1. Communicate effectively to reach people for Christ.
    Communicate, whether spoken, written, or otherwise, with clarity, boldness, and respect to effectively reach believers, seekers, and the secular-minded.

  2. Present effective Christ-centered biblical sermons and lessons.
    Present effective Christ-centered biblical sermons and lessons that utilize a variety of media and call for audience response.