Mission & Vision
Our Mission
Ouachita Hills College exists to provide a Christ-centered, character-oriented education which equips students to be successful in their chosen profession and to be active soul winners.
Ouachita Hills College exists to provide a Christ-centered, character-oriented education which equips students to be successful in their chosen profession and to be active soul winners.
In addition to being aptly prepared for their chosen profession, our students are enabled to cultivate habits of deep Bible study, practical work, and compassionate witnessing.
Ouachita Hills College is deeply committed to ministry. The literature ministry was a key factor allowing the college to begin and providing necessary funds to sustain it. Today, OHC students participate in many forms of ministry, but the canvassing ministry remains a principal component. Students spend two weeks each quarter in canvassing, the proceeds providing the college with much needed funds and the experience providing student with skills and joy in ministry.
Canvassing Work
As God blesses the minister and the evangelist in their earnest efforts to place the truth before the people, so He will bless the faithful canvasser.
- The Colporteur Evangelist 9.1
Through the work of Christian education, as described in the Bible and the writings of Ellen White,
and the empowering work of the Holy Spirit, OHC graduates will develop as:
Students develop a deeper devotional life based on biblical principles which inspires a dedication to God seen in integrity, ethical behavior, and excellence in all aspects of life-- health, service, academics, and vocation.
Students incorporate the Seventh-Day Adventist message and mission in their personal lives while leading others to Christ through practical ministry (i.e. community service, health evangelism, corporate worship, Bible studies, and public evangelism).
Students embrace the Bible as the ultimate source of knowledge and wisdom and integrate its worldview into their field of study.
Students articulate biblically-reasoned conclusions by discriminately incorporating the views of others using appropriate investigative processes.
Students develop successful strategies for planning and sharing ideas with clarity whether written or oral.
Students develop as resourceful and knowledgeable men and women who interact effectively with others, take personal initiative and accept responsibility for their actions.