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New Project: Belize Mission Trip
When: November 19 - December 3, 2024
Where: The greater Orangewalk area of Belize, Central America
Who: Students from both Ouachita Hills Academy and Ouachita Hills College
Purpose: Students will conduct evangelistic meetings at four sites/ villages. The Bible based messages, health talks, and VBS for the children.
The need: Your prayers and donations. Each student will need to raise $1,450. If the Lord impresses you to participate with us as indicated, please click ‘DONATE’ and specify ‘Belize Mission Trip’ along with an indication of how much you might support our team. A receipt will be provided for your tax-deductible contribution. THANK YOU, may the Lord bless you for your PRAYERS and support.
In Christ,
Ferdi Sastropawiro, Belize Mission Trip Team Leader