College Faculty


List of College Faculty


Dr. Randy Yates, OHC College President


College Teaching Faculty


Dixon, Stanley

M.Div., Andrews University
B.A., Oakwood College
A.A., Los Angeles City College

Irizarry, Carlos

M.D., University of Montemorelos
B.A.,  Andrews University

Irizarry, Kathy

M.D., Loma Linda University
B.A. & B.S., Southern Missionary College

Powell, Kevin

M.Div., Andrews University
B.A., Southern College of SDA

Sastropawiro, Ferdi

M.Ed., Southwestern Adventist University
B.S., Southwestern Adventist University

Schlunt, Charles

Certificate in Accounting, Portland State University
M.A., Andrews University
B.A., Andrews University

Tsatalbasidis, Karl

Ph. D., Andrews University
M.Div., Andrews University
B.A., Andrews University

Wright, Patrice

Ph. D., Andrews University
M.A., Long Island University University
M.A., Andrews University
B.A., Andrews University


College Staff


Brown, David

Facilities Director

Dixon, Sheena

Women’s Dean

Jenks, Lowell

Vocational Supervisor and Instructor - Small Engines

Laake, Patrick

Accountant Head
Men’s Dean


Schlunt, Janet

Vocational Instructor - Clothing Construction & Sewing

Vitangcol, Lowell

IT Department Director

Young, David

Literature Evangelism Coordinator